Sharing of knowledge and opinions
Data collection
Filtering the collected sample with the help of Mafe
Discussing cetacean species that we find in the Los Gigantes area
We clean during navigation
Ana and Lorena working as a team filtering the sample
Moisés and Evelyn controlling course and speed together with Jaime
Sampling of microplastics and plankton in surface water
Carolina cleaning the manifold with the pressure pump
Sample collected
Sailing time
Sighting of a pilot whale
We arrived in Masca
Ready to sail
Explanation of software used on board
Pilot whale group
We use the niskin bottle to collect samples of seawater at different depths
Pilot Whale
Borja raising the mainsail with Vlad’s help
Preparation of boats to collect the microplast sample
Samples of microplastics at Los Guíos beach, Tenerife
Samples of microplastics at Los Guíos beach, Tenerife
Samples of microplastics at Los Guíos beach, Tenerife
Trumpet fish
Plankton net
Sailing time
Niskin bottle